Wednesday, April 11, 2007

ChefsLine - Cook live with professional chefs

ChefsLine - Cook live with professional chefs

Hey all you struggling cooks out there, wondering what to have for supper tonight, or for that weekend party, or do you just plain SUCK in the the kitchen all the time? Then maybe you should try this website, and for a fee you can call up and get advice from a chef. While this may seem strange to some cynical chefs (me) or anyone with an ounce of interest, energy, and desire to try cooking something different, it may just work out as a positive experience for the culinarily challenged. When I first saw this site, I thought it was silly, and doomed to become a failed experiment created by some money grabbing exploiters of wanna-be epicurians, but after a bit, I asked myself: "What would Sulu do?" and I have decided to just say -Good luck!

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