Sunday, March 18, 2007

AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation - Translated Text

AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation - Translated Text fun fun fun, and useful too if you are planning a trip to a place where you can not speak the language. Babelfish is from "A Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

World Newspapers and Magazines

World Newspapers and Magazines Is the news important to you? Like to know what's a-happening in the world? This site is the bomb! Maybe you have only ever read local papers, well then you have not been getting the whole story, but here is your chance to become informed. Link up with hundreds of online news articles from absolutely everywhere with World Newspapers, your brain will love you for it.

Friday, March 16, 2007

EYA - Environmental Youth Alliance

EYA - Environmental Youth Alliance We are planning a gardening club at Tupper, with the gardeners at EYA. It will be a culinary garden, herbs and what not. I plan to maintain the herb garden with my students. It will be in the Greenway on 23rd st., and it will be awesome, come and see it sometime.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wellness Online : Home of the Wellness Letter

Wellness Online : Home of the Wellness Letter The 'Letter' is where its at babies, all the practical no-nonsense health news you can handle! Want to learn about microwave ovens? are they safe? How about Redbull and other nrg drinks? It is all here: read, learn, be safe.

Culinary Institute of America at

Culinary Institute of America at The big one, the CIA, and it really does live up to expectations -A very cool site for epicurians. The online lessons are killer. The series about the students is very engaging. All aspiring cooks should see this.

Winter food reading | Momentum - The Magazine For Self Propelled People!

Winter food reading Momentum - The Magazine For Self Propelled People! Bikes and food, I'm in love!
This is a great mag, from Vancouver, but not usually about food, but about bikes and cycling, which is just as good.

I ride, I cook, I am: come on everyone.

All News on food, diet and health

All News on food, diet and health Do you KNOW? Do you CARE? Check out this site for much news on all things food: diet, health, agri, tech-agri, substances and more. -Links to articles on tons of food things, lovely.

Sustainable Table

Sustainable Table One of my favourites, great if you value your food supply. Please tell me you care, go to The Sustainable Table and do something!

Librarians' Internet Index

Librarians' Internet Index Here is the site you have been looking for. Review those nasty ole' internet sites that you are unsure of, and it is an org to boot!

School Library Journal - Books, Multimedia, & Technology-Children & Teens

School Library Journal - Books, Multimedia, & Technology-Children & Teens This is a pretty big American site, I like the blogs, but there is a lot more -a little heavy on the advertizing, but I guess the book people have to make it somehow.

Culture Shop : Adbusters

Culture Shop : Adbusters These guys Rule! Adbusters=education. This media education kit is pricey but worth it. Do you want your children to KNOW? Get it now, before their minds turn into corporate fiddle faddle.

Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion

Grocery Store Wars Join the Organic Rebellion Join Cuke, Ham, and the gang for some good old fashioned rebellion against "The Man!" Watch as our unassuming veggy pals kick butt on non-organics. Fun times.

The Meatrix Films

The Meatrix Films This is a serious look at industrial agriculture and the devastating effect it has on our lives. The delivery method is fantastic, sarcastic, and not made of plastic, have a giggle and get righteous.

Sir Charles Tupper Secondary - Welcome!

Sir Charles Tupper Secondary - Welcome! This is where I work, check out the library page, and of course the wonderful cafeteria menu if you love food things, and if you don't -sucks to be you!

Babbo Ristorante

Babbo Ristorante This is a very cool site for educating yourself on interesting ingredients that you know nothing about. Smarten up and read!